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Our Services
Development OF LAND

·         Entering into Land Availability Agreements     with land owners and/or local authorities

·         Entering into social compacts with   community-based organizations;

·         Installation of bulk infrastructure; and

·         Developing erven to the required level of services.


  • ·         Upgrading of roads

  • ·         Water & Electricity connections
  • ·         Sewerage systems

  • We build Low-Cost RDP houses, Affordable houses, Social Housing Development, Student Accommodation, Office Blocks & Government buildings.

What we stand for

our vision

We aim to

·      Become a reliable and trusted service provider that will bring satisfaction to our clients and partners;

·      Grow into an economic power house that will be one of the major role players in the growth of our country's economy;

·      Play an important role in advancing black economic empowerment through creation of sustainable employment opportunities. 


We aim to;

·      Offer products that meet the standard fit for our valued clients in terms of quality;

·      Provide an efficient, reliable and professional service based on superior client service and sound business practice;

·      Recruit, empower, develop and advance previously disadvantaged individuals through training and transfer of skills;

·      Support black business and communities particularly, women, youth and the physically challenged individuals through partnerships and joint ventures; and ultimately

·      Build a healthy relationship with our clients, particularly government at Iocal, provincial and national levels; the parastatals; the private sector and individuals in general.


As a 100% black owned South African company, BOSMO Projects management have first-hand experience of what it is like to be denied opportunities. We are part and parcel of a community finding hard to make ends meet.

As a result, we have adopted a social responsibility policy that is a form of plough-back to the poverty-stricken communities we come from. 

We therefore pledge,

·         Use of labour-intensive methods in the place of mechanization to ensure more people are employed;

·         Use of local sub-contractors to empower SMMEs;

·         Getting into partnerships with local businesses, to an extent it is economically viable to all parties involved;

·         Use of local labour force, unless any particular skill is not available within the community;

·         Provision of on-job skills training to employees to ensure they are well-equipped to advance themselves when their contracts end;

·         Financial support to community-based projects run by NGOs and NPOs; and

·         Sponsoring youth programmes,

The extent of our involvement and the size of the financial impute we make however, is determined by the size of the profit we stand to make in a particular project.

Orange Grey Modern Professional Construction Company Logo (1)
Our clients

·         Government at national, provincial and municipal level

·         Communities who got their land restored to them under the government’s Land Restitution program

·         Developers

·         Financial Institutions

·         Individuals who need and can afford our services

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